Friday, January 29, 2016

Close Reading: Friday, January, 29th

Questions for Model:

  1. What is another name for manatees?  Why do they have to go to warm waters in the winter?
  2. What are the two dangers that Florida manatees face as they are trying to migrate to warm waters?
  3. Why is banning humans from the area not an option?

Student Questions: Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Plans to Build His Very Own 'Jarvis'
  1. What is Mark Zuckerberg's goal this year?  Which fictional character is his invention based on?
  2. What are some of Zuckerberg's previous resolutions?
  3. What are the things Zuckerbergy hopes his invention will do?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Cuttlefish Main Idea 2

Based on these details, the author is telling us the cuttlefish's traits.

Cuttleflish Main Idea

Based on the details I read, I know the author is telling me about the appearance of the cuttlefish.

Monday, January 25, 2016

~The Discovery~

~The Discovery~
People panned for gold in rivers and streams.

On January 24, 1848, a week before California became part of the united States, a carpenter named James Marshall made a huge discovery.  Marshall was building a sawmill in Sutterville, California.  He noticed glittery pebbles at his feet.  Marshall thought it might be gold.  But he had to be sure.  First, he bit into the nugget.  Seeing his teeth marks in it, he knew that whatever it was, it was soft like gold.  Then Marshall hammered it with a stone.  It flattened out just like real gold.  Then Marshall placed the nugget into a kettle of boiling lye.  He knew that real gold would be unharmed by the chemicals in the lye.  He was thrilled that the nugget had not tarnished at all.  Now Marshall was certain that he had discovered gold.

News of the discovery spread quickly.  It started the largest gold rush in American history.  When James Marshall discovered gold, the population of settlers in California was about 14,000.  By the end of 1849, the population was nearly 100,000.  By 1852, the population was up to 250,000.  Forty-niners, as they came to be called, came by ship and wagon train from the East, the Midwest, and the South.  They came from other countries as well.  Many, about 25,000, came from China, but gold-seekers also came from Germany, Mexico, Ireland, and Turkey.

Although most of the miners did not become rich, the economy of California grew.  The people who made the most money during the gold rush were not the miners.  In fact, very few miners did become rich.  It was the merchants who sold goods and services to the miners who made the most money.  There are still companies in business today that started during the gold rush.  Levi Strauss made money selling work pants to the miners.  Today, people still buy jeans from his company.  Henry Wells and John Fargo opened a bank in San Francisco.  The company Wells Fargo still exists today.

California’s gold discovery days are not over.  About 30,000 kilograms of gold are removed from the ground each year.  And it is estimated by the California Department of Conservation that about 90 percent of California’s gold still has not been mined.  Gold mining is still popular in California.

Cunning Cuttlefish

Cunning Cuttlefish

Cuttlefish are unusual animals.  For starters, their blood is blue-green and they have three hearts.  Their eyes are shaped like W’s.  They have eight arms and two tentacles that spring from their head.

The cuttlefish name is misleading.  A cuttlefish is not a fish at all.  It is a mollusk.  Think snail, slug, or clam.  Millions of years ago, the cuttlefish had a hard shell, which provided protection from predators.  But the cuttlefish has evolved into a soft-bodied animal.  Today it has other ways to stay safe.

This is the pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis).

A hooded cuttlefish swims along a coral reef at night.

Cuttlefish are the chameleons of the sea.  They frequently and rapidly change their appearance to throw off enemies.  Cuttlefish can change their skin color within seconds.  It can change from black to brown to yellow.  It can look spotted.  It can also look striped.  Cuttlefish can even change the texture of their skin.  It can go from smooth to rough.

Cuttlefish have millions of special color cells in their skin that allow them to appear in so many different patterns and colors.  Scientists who have studied cuttlefish are amazed by their ability to match their surroundings.  In one experiment, scientists placed cuttlefish in front of different backgrounds.  They discovered that even small changes to the background would lead to changes in the color and patterns of the cuttlefish’s skin.

The cuttlefish’s skin helps it hide from predators.  It also helps the cuttlefish hunt.  When the prey gets close, the cuttlefish quickly snatches it.

The Cuttlefish’s changing skin has other advantages as well.  Large male cuttlefish change colors to attract females.  But the smaller male cuttlefish change their colors to look like females.  This lets them get closer to the female cuttlefish without being challenged by the bigger male cuttlefish.

There are more than 120 species of cuttlefish known.  They can live in both shallow reefs and in deep ocean waters.

Their changing skin is not the only interesting thing about cuttlefish.  These strange creatures are also considered one of the smartest animals of the sea.  What makes them so brainy?  According to marine biologist Jean Boal, cuttlefish can think and solve problems.  Researchers created a maze to test the cuttlefish.  And the cuttlefish were able to figure out the maze and get faster, too.  Scientists have also found that they are capable of REM (rapid eye movement) during sleep.  That means that these creatures dream.  Scientists used to believe that only vertebrates could dream.

Scientists hope to learn more about intelligence in all animals by studying intelligence in cuttlefish.  Boal has spent almost twenty-five years studying these creatures.  “The cuttlefish might seem alien to us, but [they] could tell us more about ourselves than we realize,” she says.

A Special Link

Cuttlefish, like squid and octopus, can squirt out ink.  The ink makes the water cloudy and gives the cuttlefish time to escape from a predator.  Humans have long used this brown ink in art products.  The color name “sepia” comes from the cuttlefish species name, Sepia officinalis.  More recently, scientists have been experimenting with new uses from the ink.  They have created a new battery that uses cuttlefish ink.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016